
Sourdough Granola – 101 Cookbooks

I started making sourdough granola not long after getting...

Former Neo-Nazi Hate Group Leader Says He Was "Deradicalized" by Raves and House Music

A former neo-Nazi who once spread hate through violent...

New Proofs Expand the Limits of What Cannot Be Known

In other words, Hilbert’s 10th problem is undecidable.Mathematicians hoped...

Tested (Ep 2): Questions of a Physical Nature

We go back almost 100 years, to the beginning of women's inclusion in elite sports. It turns out that men had an odd variety...

To Fight Climate Change, Bank on Soil

Our glaciers are melting, our forests are on fire, our harvests are increasingly decimated by either floods and drought. We are in a climate...

2024 first to pass 1.5C warming limit

BBCThe planet has moved a major step closer to warming more than 1.5C, new data shows, despite world leaders vowing a decade ago they...


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Sourdough Granola – 101 Cookbooks

I started making sourdough granola not long after getting...

New Proofs Expand the Limits of What Cannot Be Known

In other words, Hilbert’s 10th problem is undecidable.Mathematicians hoped...